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Mission & Philosophy

Culture, today, has turned into its poisonous alter ego, Religion, and has become the safe haven for radical thoughts, blind-folded beliefs and bigotry. In fact what is seen as religion today, was seen as a culture or a way of living many years before the ascent of Christianity and Islam.


Cultures, long ago embraced the Earth as its mother, with its disciples (including commoners) donning its elements and feeding from its grounds, all the while making the planet their playground with their mystical habits, deities and temples. All of these were done as a means to develop their intellect.


However, after the crucifixion of Yeshua, for reasons that still seem unfathomable to many today, because of the magnitude of insanity that was involved, a new kind of forced imperialism sprung up to muddle this insanity and proliferate cult-like ideologies. And this was where culture turned into religion. As a result, Yeshua became a cult lord instead of a deity. 


The crucifixion actually happened because of the corruption that exploded in the Roman Empire, right about the time when Yeshua had begun to gain traction and Tiberius was about to announce his successor, Caligula, who he believed would uphold the sanctity of the Roman Empire.


But, the crucifixion, exposed the existence of the corrupt body operating underneath the foothold of the Roman Empire and so, with the fear of being completely demolished, this corrupt body formed, as a counter measure, what is known today as the Vatican to begin propagandizing the notion of humans as being completely sinful and that "Yeshua died for their sins". And under this banner, its missionaries began to conduct forced conversions wherever they went.


Islam too took the same path to first protect itself from Vatican's imperialism, and then soon after also began to form its own imperialism.


When these two imperialistic bodies entered India, its native Vedic culture took a hit and was also turned into a cult (or religion), now called Hinduism, to protect itself.


The imperialism of Christianity and Islam is still very much alive today and is shaping most of the political events around the globe, with newer levels of insanity being reached with each new event.

So here, the main focus is to revitalize the spirit of culture, particularly the Vedic culture and cut out all the cult noise. All the scriptures will be seen from a different angle or point-of-view that tingles the intellect, i.e. bringing about the aspects of scientific reasoning in spiritual ideologies.


Spirituality is complex and also quite complicated, and so every effort to simplify it, yet not compromising on the substance is the main goal.


Everything is an art, and so is spirituality, no matter how scientific.

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